FEBRUARY Team Challenge

We are excited to present the  FEBRUARY Team Challenge!
The January Team Challenges will be assessed  Sunday, Feb.7th, with ribbons going in the mail next week.

Below are  2 examples of well done submissions. When sending in videos, there are 2 acceptable options.

Option #3 Dartmouth The STARBursts

Option #5 Halivali Team #1

As in Option #3 Dartmouth The STARBursts all skaters are on the same session and do the elements one after the other.

In Option#5 Halivali Team #1 skaters are on different sessions and they are combined into 1 video submission.

Looking forward to seeing our talented skaters from throughout the province.


February Team Challenge Event


Six different events are:


OPTION 1                                  OPTION 2                                        OPTION 3

Star 2 Turn Seq                        Waltz/Toe Loop Combo                Back Upright Spin

2 Different Spirals                    Salchow/Toe Loop Combo           Camel/Sit Spin

1 Pattern Baby Blues                Single/Single Combo                     Change of Foot Spin


OPTION 4                                        OPTION 5                                  OPTION 6

Forward Rocker/Three Seq            3 Jump Combo                           Difficult exit spin

Choreo Seq (no Spiral)                    Difficult entry 1 or 2 Lz             Camel spin 2 features

1 Pattern Baby Blues                        Toe Loop/Toe Loop Combo     Combo spin with Layback or crossfoot