PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO GO TO THE INFO SITE AT info.skatecanada.ca under Procedures then  –  Skate Canada Awards Program or the link in the information below from Skate Canada. AND THINK ABOUT ALL THOSE SKATING VOLUNTEERS THAT HAVE HELPED IN YOUR SECTION, REGION AND CLUB THIS YEAR AND YEARS PREVIOUS. 

The person you think is special may or may not be a member of your club, but they have made a difference in the sport of skating.

This is the one opportunity in the year when we can recognize some of the people that do so much for our sport of figure skating.

All nomination forms must be completed on line by February 14th 2019 in order to be eligible for this year’s awards. 

All adult nominees will be recognized at Skate Canada Nova Scotia’s Annual General Meeting and CanSkate, STAR Skate, Program Assistants and CompetitiveSkate will be on the ice as part of Celebration On Ice on May 4th

There are Awards that we do not have forms to be completed, as the criteria is too varied to print, so we would ask if you would write the reasons your person(s) should be eligible for these awards. Please e-mail these to skatecanadans@sportnovascotia.ca


  1. The Overlooked Person Award: This award should be for a person who never gets recognized for all the things they do for skating in any way.  It should not be a Committee or Club Executive Member.  In this category we require from you a name, e-mail, postal address and phone number of the person plus a note telling us what this person does to help skating.
  2. The 10, 20 25 and 50 Year Volunteer Award: This award is for a person who has volunteered for a number of consecutive years.  In this category we require from you a name, e-mail postal address and phone number of the person and a brief description of how this person has volunteered.


Thank you for taking the time to say Thanks! for a job well done, this does not have to be a Home Club Member anyone who helps in skating can be recognized.  Each nominee will receive a letter of thanks from the Section.

We can’t recognize them if we don’t know about them!