Today the Province announced that they would be making changes to the Nova Scotia Public Health Regulations. These changes will come into effect 8:00 am tomorrow morning and be in place until at least Wednesday, May 20. Please read the information below carefully, as regulations differ by location.    

Within HRM & Hubbards   

Sports practices and training, and arts and culture rehearsals are no longer permitted. This includes games, competitions, and tournaments, and in-person performances. This also includes school sports and school gym rentals.   

Indoor fitness facilities like gyms and yoga studios, and sport and recreation facilities like pools, arenas, tennis courts and large multipurpose recreation facilities will also be closed. Outdoor fitness and recreation businesses can operate with 25 people and physical distance. We will provide more clarity as it becomes available.   

People should avoid traveling into and out of HRM and Hubbards unless it is absolutely necessary. Necessary travel includes school, work, and medical appointments. Shopping, social events, sport practices/games, and family visits are not considered necessary.   

Outside of HRM & Hubbards    

Gathering limits without social distancing for participants and officials in organized performing arts and sports (recreational, amateur and professional) can gather in groups of up to 75 people without social distancing for rehearsals, performances, practices, and games within their regular competitive schedule. Spectators are permitted at 50 percent of the venue’s capacity up to 100 indoor and 150 outdoor.   

Please note that tournaments and competitions (outside HRM and Hubbards) are only permitted when playing against teams or participants that would play each other during their regular competitive schedule. Tournaments or competitions that bring together people who do not regularly play one another (including try-it clinics) are not permitted.    


Sport Nova Scotia offices   

Effectively immediately, Sport Nova Scotia staff will be required to work from home whenever possible for at least until May 20. As always, if you have an office in the Sport Nova Scotia building, you will still be able to access it with your keys and swipe cards.   

For the most up-to-date information about gathering limits, please visit the Government of Nova Scotia website.  



Province of Nova Scotia COVID-19 Press Release: April 22, 2021   

Province of Nova Scotia COVID-19 Gathering Limits   

Province of Nova Scotia COVID-19 Return to Sport Guidelines