Skate Canada Nova Scotia would like to up date clubs and coaches on what is happening with the Return to Play in the Skating World in Nova Scotia.

SCNS has been in contact with Dr. Robert Strang and Skate Canada.

Dr Strang was very cautious as to the return to play and facilities being opened for sports other than those that opened this past Saturday.  He was very strong in his statement that 28 days is what at this point in time for the duration between opening up additional sports.  He did say that any team outdoor sports would be working on skill development rather than games this summer.  As this progresses, things are in an ever changing environment as we learn more.

Skate Canada today, spoke on the variety of restrictions and return to play across Canada………….we are very different and everything is still up in the air in so many different ways.  Skate Canada will be developing a waiver when clubs do open for COVID

While we are all hoping to get back on the ice as soon as possible the following things are out of our control:

  • In Nova Scotia we are still under the Emergency Act which limits any gathering to no more than 5 persons.
  • Physical distancing of 6 feet is still in place.
  • All clubs will need to follow the guidelines that will be created for each individual facility as the floor plan of each facility is so different.


Ice Sports Meetings:

Brad Taylor who is on our Ice Sport Committee is dealing with the facilities as to what each facility has the capacity to do with respect to having people in their buildings.  This has ranged from quite ready to get going to may not be able to reopen until things are back to normal. As an Ice Sport Committee we are realizing that the numbers on the ice for all sports will possibly be much lower than what we are use to, and therefore much more costly for the skaters concerned.  Therefore, one of our investigations will be into lowering ice costs.  All this being said facilities will either need help from outside supports for finances,  guaranteed hours of ice usage for a determined fee or what is needed for reopening.  Michelle Aucoin, with the Province of Nova Scotia will be on our call on Friday.


We will continue to update as new information becomes available and/or is created.