SCNS Award Winners

Skate Canada Volunteer Award of Excellence

Susan Casey

Skate Canada Section Volunteer Award

Barb Holmes

Skate Canada Officials Award of Excellence

Sheila Beard

Skate Canada Section Officials Award

Cheryl Smith

Skate Canada Club & Recreation Coach Award of Excellence

Patti Gemmel- Collacutt

Skate Canada Competitive Coach Award of Excellence

Cheryle Gaston

Skate Canada Volunteer Coach Award

Jessica Allan

Skate Canada CompetitiveSkate Award

Sophie Tanner

Skate Canada STARSkater Athlete Award

Jacob Cote

Skate Canada Program Assistant Award

Raquel Gerrior

Skate Canada CanSkater of the Year

Kayla Rees

Overlooked Person of the Year

Robyn Maillet


10 year pins

Sara Brown

Laura Mombourquette

Sarah Miles

Carol Lee Giffin

Debbie Babin